NEW The Most Important Reporting I've Done This Year
One of the most challenging pieces of reporting I've worked on this year published while I was on
New: How the Crackdown on Pro-Palestine Protest will Hit Environmental Activists
Hello from retirementville, Florida! I just arrived to a freelancer-budget friendly vacation at my parents' retirement community. I'
NEW: Multiple FBI informants Infiltrated Standing Rock Anti-Pipeline Camps, Court Records Reveal
A lawsuit in North Dakota shook loose some new details about the federal government’s use of informants and undercovers
Eco-Roundup: How to Save Journalism and the World
Every month, I assemble a round-up of stories I’m following and issues I’m covering, with palate cleansers at
A Collection of Environmental Reporting on Israel's War on Gaza
Below is a collection of reports I’ve been gathering since October 7 on the environmental consequences of Israel’s
Eco-Roundup: Investigative Research Tips, Native Photography, and What I Said at That Panel
Every month, I assemble a round-up of stories I’m following and issues I’m covering, with palate cleansers at
Invitation: Know Your Rights as Media Workers Face Retaliation for Speech on Palestine
I’m on the road, on a reporting trip, but wanted to drop a quick line to say happy new
NEW: How DHS fueled the Cop City Crackdown + the Dakota Access Pipeline Environmental Review
This week I published two stories that you should read and listen to. One is a podcast episode for Drilled
Eco-Roundup: 5 Reasons Israel's Bombardment of Gaza is an Environmental Justice Crisis
At the end of every month, I assemble a round-up of stories I’m following and issues I’m covering,
Eco-Roundup: In Climate-Impacted Prisons, Water Contamination Collides with Extreme Heat
At the end of every month, I assemble a round-up of stories I’m following and issues I’m covering,